Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Update on the Glider Slipcover

The glider slipcover is the most popular post by far so I thought I'd add an update with more details. It's been three years and we are still using it. It really is too bad that these haven't been produced commercially yet. I had never attempted anything like it and swore, after I finished, that I would never do anything like it again.
Really though, it has held up very well and is in much better shape than if we had left it in it's sad original state. Besides building out the arms and back, I also amped up the seat cushion by adding thicker foam and wrapping it in fleece.

The best feature is the zipper down the back. I can take the whole thing off and wash it and there are no ribbons or ties to be played with or undone.
The tutorial I relied on the most was at RockPaperScissors and I checked out some books from the library on sewing for the home and upholstery.

So if I had to do it again:
First - I would save up the money to buy something like this or this: It cost $100 to do myself and I think a little saving would be worth it since a good one can be used a long time and then passed on or moved to other rooms easily.
Second - If that weren't possible, I would hire the slipcover out.
Third - If neither of those worked, I would have sewn the slipcover again but used white twill instead of the taupe/tan since it is so washable.


ruth burton said...

Well, I think you're amazing. One day you'll have something like "this" or "this." Until then, you're doing a wonderful job.

Unknown said...

I have been looking for a tutorial on this. I think I will use velcro strips on the back to make it easier for this beginning sewer. My husband found a glider for $5 at a yard sale but it has no cushions at all. Wish me luck!