I am in the midst of another clean-out of our house. Sarah at Clover Lane has done this for three years and I started last year. It's scheduled to correspond with Lent and the idea is to list 40 small areas in your house and clean one out each day getting rid of excess and junk [or a bag a day]. It's such a great time of year for me to be doing this project since I always get the cleaning bug after the holidays and it makes the lingering winter months fly by.
Last year I made the mistake of getting overly enthusiastic the first week and burning out by the middle. I tried to do multiple areas on each of the first days. This time I am only doing one area each day [except Sundays].
So far I've done the kitchen drawers, upper kitchen cabinets, lower kitchen cabinets, freezer/fridge, pantry, and food storage closet. My list goes on like that throughout the house taking it in small chunks a day at a time. I also use this time to clean each of those areas out so it's decluttering and spring cleaning all in one.
I just love the days when I am in the decluttering zone. My mind is clear, my resolve is set, and I'm able to make decisions quickly. If I'm not, it's awful since I hem and haw for way too long and then just end up putting the item[s] in question in a different location to collect dust for another year.
I find this is also a great time to make lists of things to accomplish or things that I need to be on the lookout for. For example, I need to make new white, cloth napkins [and find that awesome tutorial on creating the mitred corners so easily], I see items I missed that we need to pick up to have on hand for food storage or cooking, and it's a great time to see what clothing items the kids will be needing soon.
So I'm off to discover the treasures that await in the coat closet and toy cabinets. And even though I agree with our second who said it would be awesome to have a robot you could program to clean your house for you, it's not too bad and the results are definitely worth the work!
Again, you inspire me. Going to start 6 days after lent. Will clean six areas today and do one for each day after. You are a blessing to me in more ways than this, but thank you for helping me live my life to the fullest.
The apple doesn't fall very fall ... this reminds me of days gone by but not current days. One day again I'll get going.
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