Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Our Christmas Traditions - Part III

Tradition #9 - Sugar Cookies
I feel like we try a new recipe every year. They're usually family recipes and this year we found another yummy one from Grandma Richins. The kids love cutting out the shapes and helping with the icing. 

Tradition #10 - Christmas Eve Dinner 
This has been everything from ham, turkey, roast to a dinner of appetizers, and this year we're going to try fondue. We usually light candles and this is where we each receive our ornaments for the year.

Tradition #11 - Bingo!
This is from my family and is a fun way to win prizes or, better still, money. For some reason our markers are always red hots. That may be one I'll have to change since it's a bit disturbing seeing kids sneak the heavily-handled candies. We do a number of rounds and the stakes get higher with the more difficult challenges. The hope is that everyone will win at least once.

Tradition #12 - Luke 2 & One Gift
Dad reads from the Bible. It's peaceful hearing the words while watching our own children and sitting near the nativity scenes. We open the presents from our family gift exchange on Christmas Eve. It's fun to see what everyone thought up and created. We'll get our gifts for the Savior ready for the morning and everyone tries to get some sleep!

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